Developer Guide

By: CS2113T-M16-2 Since: 2020

Supported Java versions Supported OS Java CI

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Kitchen Helper, born from the need to keep track of kitchen inventory, is an application that is designed to manage kitchen inventory and chores. Users will be able to reduce food wastage and save money through the convenience of viewing the contents of the inventory.

1.2. Purpose

The document contains the specified architecture and software design specifications for the application, Kitchen Helper.

1.3. Scope

This describes the software architecture and software design requirements for Kitchen Helper. This guide is mainly for developers, designers and software engineers that are or going to work on Kitchen Helper.

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2. Setting up

2.1. Prerequisites

  1. JDK 11.
  2. IntelliJ IDE.

2.2. Setting up the project in your computer

  1. Fork this repository, and clone the fork repository to your computer.
  2. Open Intellij (if you are not in the welcome screen, click File > Close Project to close the existing project dialog first).
  3. Set up the correct JDK version for Gradle
    1. Click Configure > Structure for New Projects and then Project Settings > Project > Project SDK.
    2. If JDK 11 is listed in the drop down, select it. Otherwise, click New… and select the directory where you installed JDK 11.
    3. Click OK.
  4. Click Import Project.
  5. Locate the build.gradle file and select it. Click OK.
  6. Click Open as Project.
  7. Click OK to accept the default settings if prompted.

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3. Design

This section provides a high level overview of our application, Kitchen Helper.

3.1. Architecture

Architecture The image above explains the design of the application, Kitchen Helper.

The main driver of the application is Main: Kitchen Helper. It is responsible for mainly two phases:

In addition to that, the architecture of Kitchen Helper is broken down into seven classes, mainly the following:

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3.2. Ui Component

Ui Component


The Ui component is a singleton class where all interaction will be made through this component

The Ui component,

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3.3. Logic Component

Logic Component

  1. Kitchen Helper uses Parser class to parse the user command.
  2. This results in a command object return back which is executed by Kitchen Helper.
  3. The command execution can affect the object (e.g. adding an ingredient).
  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is passed back to Ui to display the message.

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3.4. Model Component

Model Component

The Model component contains Ingredient, Recipe and Chore classes, which store the user’s input in Kitchen Helper.

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3.5. Storage Component

Storage Class Diagram

A Storage object is created by the KitchenHelper class to handle the loading and saving of ingredients, recipes, chores and expenditure data.

The Storage() method acts as a constructor with filepaths to local save files for ingredients, recipes, chores and expenditure data.

The getIngredientData(), getRecipeData(), getChoreData() and loadExpenditureData() methods are used to read saved data from local files into the current session of KitchenHelper. loadingIngredients() and loadingRecipeItems() methods are called in getIngredientData() and getRecipeData() respectively to sort out which Ingredient object class each object belongs to.

The saveIngredientData(), saveRecipeData(), saveChoreData() and saveExpenditureData() methods write the current state of KitchenHelper into the local save files by calling them in various command classes such as AddChoreCommand and DeleteIngredientCommand.

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3.6. Common Classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.kitchenhelper.object package.

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4. Implementation

This section describes some details on how the features are being implemented. All recipe/ ingredient/ chore-related features can be broken down into 4 distinct functionality, addition, listing, deletion and searching.

4.1.1. Addition of ingredient

The addition of the ingredient feature allows the user to keep track of the ingredients in the ingredient’s list.
For example, addingredient /n beef /c meat /q 2 /p 20 /e 18/02/2020 will add the ingredient beef which have the following attributes: category meat, quantity 2, price $20 and expiry 18/02/2020



The following steps explained “Sequence diagram for an example addingredient command”:

  1. The user enters addingredient /n beef /c meat /q 2 /p 20 /e 18/02/2020.
  2. KitchenHelper calls Parser#parseUserCommand().
  3. Parser#parseUserCommand() will call its own method Parser#prepareAddIngredient().
  4. Parser#prepareAddIngredient() will first validate the attributes and create an object AddIngredientCommand with the attributes if successful.
  5. KitchenHelper calls it own method executeCommand() to execute the method in AddIngredientCommand#execute().
  6. On AddIngredientCommand#execute(), ingredient is added and return of the message.

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4.1.2. List all/ specific ingredient(s)

The list feature allows showing details of Ingredients added by the user. All ingredients added will be shown in a sorted order, by expiry, and shown by categories. The function will require a valid string , which belongs to all/dairy/drink/fruit/meat/miscellaneous/staple/vegetable, to be added as a parameter. Failure to do so will trigger an exception where the user will be notified of an invalid command and the syntax of the listing of the ingredients will be displayed.


When the user attempts to list the details of a particular category of ingredients, the listIngredientCommand, ‘Parser’ and Ingredient class will be accessed and the following sequence of actions are called to list details of a particular category Ingredient list:
The following image below shows the sequence of steps for step 1 and 2: ListIngredient Sequence Diagram

  1. User executes listingredient all
    1. A Ui object will be created and calls Ui#getUserCommand()
    2. Input will be parsed in Command#parseUserCommand() and identified with the keyword listingredient. List Ingredient Step 1
  2. Parsing of user input and creation of command object 2.This will automatically trigger the parsing of the user’s input string into a suitable format for the listing of a particular category of ingredient object in Command#prepareListIngredient().
    1. A ListIngredientCommand object will be created. List Ingredient Step 2
  3. Executing Command The following image below shows the sequence for the next steps:

    ListIngredient Sequence Diagram

    1. The newly created object will call #ListIngredientCommand#execute which starts the process of listing a particular category’s ingredient details, thus calling ListIngredientCommand#listIngredients().
    2. The existing ingredientList arraylist and the category of the chosen ingredient category will be passed through to the ListIngredientCommand#listIngredients().
    3. The function will find if the category name is valid, thus, creates CommandResult result storing the details of the ingredient belonging to the particular category. List Ingredient Step 3
  4. The details will then be printed onto the console using Ui#showResultToUser(result).

The following shows the full sequence diagram for this command:

List Ingredient Sequence Diagram

Design Considerations

Aspect: Finding the category name and print out ingredient belonging to the category

Alternative 1: Looping through the whole ingredientList arraylist to find out all possible category name, then, do sorting and return result

Pros The program will be able to detect all category name inside the ingredientList arraylist.
Cons This method will be slow when facing a huge amount of data in the arraylist as the program may have to go through every single item in the arraylist.

Alternative 2 (current choice): Creating a fixed array which includes the order and all possible category names.

Pros Users would be able to get the details of the particular recipe accurately and fast.
Cons Program will not be able to handle any ingredient which isn’t belonging to the category names in the fixed array.

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4.1.3. Delete specific ingredients(s)

The deletion feature for ingredients allows the user to delete ingredients either by the name or index of the ingredients. In addition to that, it allows users to reduce the quantity of a specific ingredient.


When the user attempts to reduce the quantity of ingredient at index 1 of the ingredients inventory by 4, the Kitchen Helper, Parser and DeleteIngredientCommand class will be called upon. The following sequence of steps will then occur:

The following image below shows the sequence of steps for step 1 and 2: DeleteIngredient Sequence Diagram

  1. The user keyed in deleteingredient /i 1 /q 4.

    1. A UI object will be created and it will call UI#getUserCommand() method to take in the input that the user has keyed in.
    2. A String object will be returned and saved into the userCommandInput variable in Kitchen Helper.
    3. The variable userCommandInput is being parsed into the Parser class as an argument for this method Parser#parseUserCommand.

    DeleteIngredient State 1

  2. The command inserted by the user is being parsed into the Parser and a new Command object is being created.

    1. The variable userCommandInput will be identified as deleteingredient in the Parser#parseUserCommand().The Parser#prepareDeleteIngredient() is being called to prepare the userCommandInput string to create a DeleteIngredientCommand object.
    2. The DeleteIngredientCommand object is created with the ingredientIndex and quantity set to 4.

    DeleteIngredient State 2

  3. After creating DeleteIngredientCommand object, this Command will now be executed.

    The following image below shows the sequence for the next steps:

    DeleteIngredient Sequence Diagram

    1. The DeleteIngredientCommand#execute() will be called which in turned called DeleteIngredientCommand#deleteIngredientByIndex().
    2. Since the quantity of this ingredient is not null, the DeleteIngredientCommand#deleteQuantity() will be called to reduce the quantity of this ingredient.
    3. When DeleteIngredientCommand#deleteQuantity() has returned, the program will get the quantity of the current ingredient after deduction. If the quantity is zero or null, the DeleteIngredientCommand#deleteIngredient() will be called to remove ingredient from the ingredientsList which contains all the ingredients.
    4. Then, Storage#saveIngredientData() will be called to save the current ingredientsList into an output file.
    5. Lastly, a String called feedbackToUserwill be returned to the user to inform the user of the outcome of the command.

    The following image shows the state diagram for the command execution:

    DeleteIngredient State 3

  4. The details will then be printed onto the console using Ui#showResultToUser(result).

The following shows the full sequence diagram for this command:

Delete Ingredient Sequence Diagram

Other than deleting or reducing the quantity of an ingredient, DeleteIngredientCommand has an additional feature that is linked to Display Expenditure which will increase the cooking expenditure if the ingredients are used for cooking.

Design Considerations

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4.1.4. Search for ingredients based on keyword(s)

The search for ingredients feature allows the user to find ingredients using a keyword in the ingredient’s list.
For example, searchingredient beef will find all the ingredients that contain beef.



The following steps explained sequence diagram for searchingredient command:

  1. The user enters searchingredient beef.
  2. KitchenHelper calls Parser#parseUserCommand().
  3. SearchIngredientCommand object is created with the keyword passed in.
  4. KitchenHelper calls it own method executeCommand() to execute the method in SearchIngredientCommand#execute().
  5. On SearchIngredientCommand#execute(), display the list of ingredients that matches the keyword.
Design considerations:

Aspects: How searchingredient executes:

Pros 1. Easily to find by any attributes such as category, ingredient’s name, quantity, price and expiry date.
Cons 1. Searching beef [meat] will fail to show any matching result.
Pros 1. More accurate searching of the ingredient is available for the user.
Cons 1. Requires users to enter more precise predicate keywords which could be more inconvenient.

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4.1.5. Notification for ingredients warning

The notification for ingredients warning runs everytime the program starts. Checks the ingredient list for ingredient that is expiring in 3 days, expired or low quantity (< 5). For example, beef ingredient’s expired date is 02/02/2020 and have quantity of 3. The program will list down the ingredient in the categories when the application start.



The following steps explained sequence diagram for showNotification method:

  1. The user starts KitchenHelper.
  2. KitchenHelper calls showNotification().
  3. KitchenHelper#IngredientNotification object is created when the method IngredientNotification#getNotifications(ingredientList) is called.
  4. Result from IngredientNotification#checkForExpiringIngr(ingredientList),IngredientNotification#checkForLowQuantityIngr, IngredientNotification#checkForExpiredIngr will be combined.
    1. IngredientNotification#checkForExpiringIngr(ingredientList) checks for ingredients that is going to expire in 3 days.
    2. IngredientNotification#checkForLowQuantityIngr checks for ingredients that has quantity of 5 or lower.
    3. IngredientNotification#checkForExpiredIngr checks for ingredients that is expired.
  5. IngredientNotification#getNotifications(ingredientList) returns result to KitchenHelper#ingredientNotification and displays.
Design considerations:

Aspects: How showNotification executes:

Pros 1. Decreases the need to indicate three lines of code to call out the three different methods.
Cons 1. Developer have to go into IngredientNotification#getNotifications(ingredientList) to find out what function
Pros 1. Clear indication what the method is doing
Cons 1. Not very ‘OOP’ like

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4.2.1. Addition of recipe

Users can add a new recipe to the application where there must be at least one or more ingredients. The failure to do so will trigger an exception where the user will be notified of an invalid command and the syntax of the addition of recipe will be displayed.

It is important that the name of the new recipe has not appeared in the list of recipes in the application.


When the user attempts to create a new recipe, the AddRecipeCommand, Parser and Recipe class will be accessed and the following sequence of actions are called to create a recipe object:

  1. User executes addrecipe /n Chicken Salad /i Chicken Breast:2:meat, Lettuce:4:vegetable
    1. A Ui object will be created and calls Ui#getUserCommand()
    2. Input will be parsed in Parser#parseUserCommand() and identified with the keyword addrecipe.

    Add Recipe Step 1

  2. Parsing of user input and creation of command object
    1. This will automatically trigger the parsing of the user’s input string into a suitable format for the addition of recipe object in Parser#prepareAddRecipe().
    2. A AddRecipeCommand object will be created and calls AddRecipeCommand#setAttributesOfCmd() to set the contents of the command into reader friendly formats.

    Add Recipe Step 2

  3. Executing Command
    1. The newly created object will call AddRecipeCommand#execute() which starts the process of adding a recipe, thus calling Recipe#AddRecipe().
    2. A Recipe object will be created with its name that was parsed in step 2.
    3. An additional step is included where a check for an existing recipe with the same name is conducted with AddRecipeCommand#checkIfRecipeExist(). A KitchenHelperException exception will be triggered when there is an existing recipe.

    Add Recipe Step 3

  4. Ingredients parsed in step 2 will be added to the newly created recipe according to their category through the calling of Recipe#addIngredientsToRecipe().

    Add Recipe Step 4

All description and warnings to the user utilises the UI class, which controls the printing of the text on the console.

The following sequence diagram shows how the addrecipe command works


Design Considerations

Aspect: Parsing of the user’s input command

Alternative 1 (current choice): The key parameters that are required are divided by the delimiter of ‘/’ followed by a specific letter. (i.e. /i)

Pros User would be able to have strings that may contain spaces (i.e. /n Chicken Salad /i Breast meat:2:meat)
Cons The order of delimiters needs to be standardized, users will not be able to re-order the delimiters.

Alternative 2: Multiple prompts for user’s input of a recipe name and ingredient(s)

Pros Users would not have to make sure that their command is syntactically right
Cons The constant prompting could subject the application to a negative experience in the difficulty to use the commands.

Alternative 3: User’s command are divided by space

Pros The parsing can be easily done by calling Java built-in function .split()
Cons Values for each variable cannot contain spaces which makes the application restrictive.

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4.2.2. List all/ specific recipe(s)

The list feature allows showing details of a particular recipe created by the user. All ingredients added into the recipe will be shown in a sorted order and shown by categories. The function will require valid string of a integer or all to be added as a parameter. Failure to do so will trigger an exception where the user will be notified of an invalid command and the syntax of the listing of the recipe will be displayed.


When the user attempts to list the details of a particular recipe, the listRecipeCommand, ‘Parser’ and Recipe class will be accessed and the following sequence of actions are called to list details of a particular recipe object: The following image below shows the sequence of steps for step 1 and 2: ListRecipe Sequence Diagram

  1. User executes listrecipe 1
    1. A Ui object will be created and calls Ui#getUserCommand()
    2. Input will be parsed in Command#parseUserCommand() and identified with the keyword listrecipe. List Recipe Step 1
  2. Parsing of user input and creation of command object 2.This will automatically trigger the parsing of the user’s input string into a suitable format for the listing of recipe object in Command#prepareListRecipe().
    1. A ListRecipeCommand object will be created. List Recipe Step 2
  3. Executing Command The following image below shows the sequence for the next steps:

    Recipe Sequence Diagram

    1. The newly created object will call ListRecipeCommand#execute which starts the process of listing a particular recipe’s details, thus, calling ListRecipeCommand#listRecipe().
    2. The existing recipeList arraylist and the item number of the chosen recipe will be passed through to the ListRecipeCommand#listRecipe().
    3. The function will find if the item number is valid and contains details of the recipe, thus, creates a CommandResult storing the details of the particular recipe. List Recipe Step 3
  4. The details will then be printed onto the console using Ui#showResultToUser(result). The following shows the full sequence diagram for this command:

List Recipe Sequence Diagram

Design Considerations

Aspect: Finding the recipe requested by the user.

Alternative 1: Looping through the whole recipeList arraylist to find the recipe requested by the user.

Pros The program will be able to locate the recipe accurately.
Cons This method will be slow when facing a huge amount of data in the arraylist as the program may have to go through every single item in the arraylist.

Alternative 2 (current choice): Using arrayList.get(item) to get the recipe requested by the user.

Pros Users would be able to get the details of the particular recipe accurately and fast.
Cons Without proper checks done before running the command, it will result in error if the number indicated by the user exceeds the arraylist / does not exist in the arraylist.

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4.2.3. Cooking of recipe

The feature allows the user to cook a recipe if there are sufficient ingredients. The user will also indicate how many pax this recipe would be cooked for.


When the user attempts to cook Chicken Salad recipe from Kitchen Helper, the Kitchen Helper, Parser and cookRecipeCommand class will be called upon. The following sequence of steps will then occur:

  1. The user keyed in cookrecipe /n Chicken Salad /p 1.

    1. A UI object will be created and it will call UI#getUserCommand() method to take in the input that the user has keyed in.
    2. A String object will be returned and saved into the userCommandInput variable in Kitchen Helper.
    3. The variable userCommandInput is being parsed into the Parser class as an argument for this method Parser#parseUserCommand().

    Cook Recipe State 1

  2. The command inserted by the user is being parsed into the Parser and a new Command object is being created.

    1. The variable userCommandInput will be identified as cookrecipe in the Parser#parseUserCommand().The Parser#prepareCookRecipe() is being called to prepare the userCommandInput string to create a CookRecipeCommand object.

    Cook Recipe State 2

  3. The command is now being executed.

    1. The CookRecipeCommand#execute() will be called.
    2. The CookRecipeCommand#cookRecipe() is called and it checks whether the recipe inputted by the user exists by calling the CookRecipeCommand#checkIfRecipeExists() method.
    3. If recipe exists, the CookRecipeCommand#checkIfRecipeExists() method will return the index of the recipe, else it will return a number that is bigger than the size of recipelist. In this case, the recipe Chicken Salad exists, so it will return the index of the recipe
    4. Next, it is to check if there are sufficient non-expiring ingredients to be deducted from the ingredients’ inventory to cater for the number of pax for the specific recipe by calling CookRecipeCommand#checkForSufficientIngredients() and CookRecipeCommand#checkNotExpiredIngredientQty() which their results are saved into sufficientIngr and suffButLessExpiredIngr boolean values respectively. Cook Recipe Sequence Diagram Part 2
    5. With respect to the point 4 above, the following cases may happen and has been summarised at the image above:
      1. Case 1: If both sufficientIngr and suffButLessExpiredIngr return true
        1. CookRecipeCommand#deductIngredients() will be called to deduct the ingredients in the ingredients’ inventory.
        2. Then, Storage#saveIngredientData() will be called to save the current ingredientsList into an output file.
      2. Case 2: If sufficientIngr returns true but suffButLessExpiredIngr returns false or both sufficientIngr and suffButLessExpiredIngr return false and the size of expiredIngrNames is not zero
        1. CookRecipeCommand#craftExpiredList() will be called to craft the list of expired ingredients which will be returned to tell the users the ingredients that are expired.

    The following image shows the state diagram for the command execution: Cook Recipe State 3

  4. The details will then be printed onto the console using Ui#showResultToUser(result).

The following shows the full sequence diagram for this command:

Cook Recipe Sequence Diagram

Other than reducing the quantity of ingredients if the recipe can be cooked successfully, CookRecipeCommand has an additional feature that is linked to Display Expenditure which will add the total cost of cooking this recipe into the total expenditure.

Design considerations

Aspect: Preparing the deduction of ingredients when cooking a recipe

Alternative 1 (current choice): Checks for existence of recipe, existence of ingredients for the specified recipe and sufficiency of ingredients

Pros Minimizes erroneous deduction of insufficient and nonexistent ingredients
Cons Additional computation and overhead

Alternative 2: Deductions are to be made to existing and available ingredients and users are notified when there are insufficient ingredients

Pros Lesser overhead as there is lesser checks to be done
Cons Hidden bugs and exceptions have to be well-covered to ensure that the deduction would be of the right value

Aspect: Searching for the corresponding ingredients of a recipe/ Searching through list of recipes to check for existence of recipe Alternative 1 (current choice): Linear search, iterate through the arraylist of ingredients/ recipes and checking

Pros Lesser use of complex data structure will save memory
Cons Not optimal as search will be O(n), larger amount of data may take a longer time

Alternative 2: building an index on the first letter of the recipe name

Pros More efficient search as pool of search space would be significantly smaller
Cons Needs to be constantly maintained which incurs overhead.

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4.2.4. Delete a specific recipe

The deletion feature for specific recipes allows the user to delete recipes either by the name or index of the recipe.


When the user attempts to delete the Chicken Rice recipe from Kitchen Helper, the Kitchen Helper, Parser and DeleteRecipeCommand class will be called upon. The following sequence of steps will then occur:

  1. The user keyed in deleterecipe /n Chicken Rice.

    1. A UI object will be created and it will call UI#getUserCommand() method to take in the input that the user has keyed in.
    2. A String object will be returned and saved into the userCommandInput variable in Kitchen Helper.
    3. The variable userCommandInput is being parsed into the Parser class as an argument for this method Parser#parseUserCommand().

    Delete Recipe State 1

  2. The command inserted by the user is being parsed into the Parser and a new Command object is being created.

    1. The variable userCommandInput will be identified as deleterecipe in the Parser#parseUserCommand().The Parser#prepareDeleteRecipe() is being called to prepare the userCommandInput string to create a DeleteRecipeCommand object.

    Delete Recipe State 1

  3. The command is now being executed.

    1. The DeleteRecipeCommand#execute() will be called.
    2. As this is a deletion by recipe name, the recipeIndex variable is set as null. As the variable is null, DeleteRecipeCommand#deleteRecipeByName() will be called.
    3. Next, the DeleteRecipeCommand#getRecipeIndex() to get the index based on the recipe name that the user has inputted. With the given index, DeleteRecipeCommand#deleteRecipe() will be called to delete the recipe.
    4. Lastly, a String called feedbackToUser will be returned to the user to inform the user of the outcome of the command.

    The following image shows the state diagram for the command execution:

    Delete Recipe State 1

  4. The details will then be printed onto the console using Ui#showResultToUser(result).

The following shows the full sequence diagram for this command:

Delete Recipe Sequence Diagram

Design Considerations

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4.2.5. Search for recipe based on keyword(s)

The search for recipe feature allows the user to find recipes using a keyword in the recipe’s list.
For example, searchrecipe Chicken will find all recipes that contain Chicken.



The following steps explained sequence diagram for searchrecipe command:

  1. The user enters searchrecipe Chicken.
  2. KitchenHelper calls Parser#parseUserCommand().
  3. SearchRecipeCommand object is created with the keyword passed in.
  4. KitchenHelper calls it own method executeCommand() to execute the method in SearchRecipeCommand#execute().
  5. On SearchRecipeCommand#execute(), display the list of recipe’s name that matches the keyword.
Design considerations:

Aspects: How searchrecipe executes:

Pros 1. Easy to find similar recipe by their name.
Cons 1. Only shows the different recipe that contains the keyword.
Pros 1. More accurate searching of the recipe that uses the ingredients.
Cons 1. Could be more memory intensive to find if the list is huge.

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4.3.1. Addition of chore

The feature for addition of chores allows the user to add chores to a list to keep track of their completion. The deadline of the chore can be a String or Date object. The status completion of a chore is always undone when it is created.


When the user attempts to add a chore buy groceries with deadline 13/04/2020 09:45, the Kitchen Helper, Parser and AddChoreCommand class will be called upon. The following sequence of steps will then occur:

  1. The user keyed in addchore buy groceries /by 13/04/2020 09:45.

    1. A UI object will be created and calls UI#getUserCommand().
    2. Input will be parsed in Parser#parseUserCommand() and identified with the keyword addchore.
  2. Parsing of user input and creation of command object
    1. This will automatically trigger the parsing of the user’s input string into a suitable format for the addition of chore object in Parser#prepareAddChore().
    2. A AddChoreCommand object will be created with parameters buy groceries as String description and 13/04/2020 09:45 as Date deadline.
  3. Executing Command
    1. The newly created object will call AddChoreCommand#execute() which starts the process of adding a chore, thus calling AddChoreCommand#addChore().
    2. A Chore object will be created with the description and deadline that was parsed in step 2. Since the String deadline value is null, the deadline of the Chore will be a Date object.
    3. The Chore will be added to the choreList.
    4. Then, Storage#saveChoreData() will be called to save the current choreList into an output file.
    5. Lastly, a String called feedbackToUser containing the outcome of the command will be returned to KitchenHelper.
  4. The outcome of the command will then be printed onto the console using Ui#showResultToUser(result).

The following sequence diagram shows how the AddChoreCommand works

Design considerations:
Pros It is neater and more OOP. It indicates that both Chores with different deadline types have the same object function, but just take in different parameters.
Cons The need to maintain both a String deadline and Date deadline variable within the Chore object even though one of them is not used.
Pros More basic implementation.
Cons Less OOP and does not make it obvious that deadline is an essential attribute of a Chore object that has two type signatures to choose from.

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4.3.2. List all chores

The feature to list chores allows the user to view the chores currently in the choreList and their completion statuses.


When the user attempts to list chores, the Kitchen Helper, Parser and ListChoreCommand class will be called upon. The following sequence of steps will then occur:

  1. The user keyed in listchore.
    1. A UI object will be created and calls UI#getUserCommand().
    2. Input will be parsed in Parser#parseUserCommand() and identified with the keyword listchore.
  2. Parsing of user input and creation of command object
    1. This will automatically trigger the parsing of the user’s input string in Parser#prepareListChore() to ensure the parameters are empty, or an exception will be thrown.
    2. The ListChoreCommand object will be created.
  3. Executing Command
    1. The newly created object will call ListChoreCommand#execute() which starts the process of displaying all the chores, thus calling ListChoreCommand#listChore().
    2. The choreList will be looped through, displaying each Chore in String format and its corresponding position in the list.
    3. Lastly, a String called feedbackToUser containing the displayed list of chores will be returned to KitchenHelper.
  4. The displayed list of chores will then be printed onto the console using Ui#showResultToUser(result).
Design considerations:
Pros It is easier to retrieve the position of each Chore in the list, just by looking at the iterator value.
Cons More basic implementation.
Pros Makes use of the Java Collection framework.
Cons Requires another counter or variable to keep track of Chore position in the list.

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4.3.3. Delete a specific chore

The feature for deletion of chores allows the user to remove the chore specified by the index in the list.


When the user attempts to delete a chore by its index, the Kitchen Helper, Parser and DeleteChoreCommand class will be called upon. The following sequence of steps will then occur:

  1. The user keyed in deletechore 1.
    1. A UI object will be created and calls UI#getUserCommand().
    2. Input will be parsed in Parser#parseUserCommand() and identified with the keyword deletechore.
  2. Parsing of user input and creation of command object
    1. This will automatically trigger the parsing of the user’s input string for the deletion of chore object in Parser#prepareDeleteChore() which ensures the parameter is a single number, or an exception will be thrown.
    2. If an exception is caught, an InvalidCommand will be created. Otherwise, a DeleteChoreCommand object will be created with parameters 1 as the index to delete.
  3. Executing Command
    1. The newly created object will call DeleteChoreCommand#execute() which starts the process of deleting a chore, thus calling DeleteChoreCommand#deleteChore().
    2. The index is checked to be an index within the choreList, then the Chore specified by the index in the choreList is removed.
    3. Then, Storage#saveChoreData() will be called to save the current choreList into an output file.
    4. Lastly, a String called feedbackToUser containing the outcome of the command will be returned to KitchenHelper.
  4. The outcome of the command will then be printed onto the console using Ui#showResultToUser(result).
Design considerations:
Pros Quick and easy deletion by using choreList.get() to retrieve Chore to delete.
Cons Lesser alternatives for the user and user would have to identify the index first by executing listchore to get index of Chore in choreList.
Pros More alternatives for user.
Cons 1. Extra overhead required to search through entire choreList to identify Chore with similar description.
2. Possible accidental deletion of wrong Chore with identical descriptions or keywords.
3. More troublesome for the user to type out exact description of Chore.

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4.3.4. Search for chore based on keyword(s)

The search for chore feature allows the user to find chores using a keyword in the chore’s list.
For example, searchchore groceries will find all chores that contain groceries.



The following steps explained sequence diagram for searchchore command:

  1. The user enters searchchore groceries.
  2. KitchenHelper calls Parser#parseUserCommand().
  3. SearchChoreCommand object is created with the keyword passed in.
  4. KitchenHelper calls it own method executeCommand() to execute the method in SearchChoreCommand#execute().
  5. On SearchChoreCommand#execute(), display the list of chore that matches the keyword.
Design considerations:
Pros 1. Easily to find by any attributes such as description and date.
Cons 1. Searching buy groceries [x] will fail to show any matching result.
Pros 1. More accurate searching of the chore is available for the user..
Cons 1. Requires users to enter more precise predicate keywords which could be more inconvenient.

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4.3.5. Mark chore as done

The feature for marking of chore as done allows the user to change the completion status of the chore specified by the index in the list to done.


When the user attempts to mark a chore as done, the Kitchen Helper, Parser and DoneCommand class will be called upon. The following sequence of steps will then occur:

  1. The user keyed in done 1.
    1. A UI object will be created and calls UI#getUserCommand().
    2. Input will be parsed in Parser#parseUserCommand() and identified with the keyword done.
  2. Parsing of user input and creation of command object
    1. This will automatically trigger the parsing of the user’s input string for the checking of chore object in Parser#prepareDoneChore() which ensures the parameter is a single number, or an exception will be thrown.
    2. If an exception is caught, an InvalidCommand will be created. Otherwise, a DoneCommand object will be created with parameters 1 as the index to check.
  3. Executing Command
    1. The newly created object will call DoneCommand#execute() which starts the process of marking a chore as done, thus calling DoneChoreCommand#markChoreDone().
    2. The index is checked to be an index within the choreList and completion status of the Chore specified by the index is checked to be undone. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
    3. The Chore is then marked as done.
    4. Then, Storage#saveChoreData() will be called to save the current choreList into an output file.
    5. Lastly, a String called feedbackToUser containing the outcome of the command will be returned to KitchenHelper.
  4. The outcome of the command will then be printed onto the console using Ui#showResultToUser(result).
Design considerations:

4.3.6. Notification for chores warning

The notification for chores warning runs every time the program starts. It checks the choreList for Chores that are already overdue or have deadlines approaching in 3 days. For example, take cake out of oven is overdue since 11/04/2020 15:30. Deadlines of Chores specified in String will not trigger notification warnings.

  1. The user starts KitchenHelper and KitchenHelper#run is called.
  2. KitchenHelper calls showNotification().
  3. ChoreNotification object is created and ChoreNotification#getNotifications(choreList) is called.
  4. The results from ChoreNotification#hasDateAsDeadline, ChoreNotification#isOverdue and ChoreNotification#isApproachingDeadline will be combined.
    1. ChoreNotification#hasDateAsDeadline checks for Chores that have Date object type deadline.
    2. ChoreNotification#isOverdue checks for Chores that have exceeded their deadline.
    3. ChoreNotification#isApproachingDeadline checks for Chores that have deadlines upcoming in the next 3 days.
  5. ChoreNotification#getNotifications(choreList) returns the String result containing the notifications to KitchenHelper and displays.
Design considerations:

Aspects: How showNotification executes:

Pros More OOP as there is a specific class handling the sole function of notification display.
Cons Developer has to go into ChoreNotification class to find out how to notifications are gathered.
Pros More basic implementation.
Cons Less OOP and the KitchenHelper main class will be overpopulated with methods that do not concern the overall running of the application.

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4.4. Storage

4.4.1. Select files to load from and save to

The select files to load from and save to feature allows the user to choose an option to either load their data from the normal or restore mode. The normal mode will load Kitchen Helper from the main storage files which store the data from the last used session of the user, providing the most recent representation of their inventory.

On the other hand, the restore mode will load Kitchen Helper from the backup storage files which store the version of data manually saved from the user’s last usage of the save command. The restore mode gives users access to the backup storage files, however, users will have to use the save command to update the backup storage files.

Any subsequent changes made to the program data will be saved into the main storage files regardless of initial load options. To save a backup of the current session, the user will have to use the save current state function with the save command (see section 4.4.2)4.4.2. Save current state.

  1. For instance, if the User selects to load files from auto-save mode, User executes 1
    1. A Ui object will be created and calls Ui#getUserChoice() and returns String UserChoice.
    2. The Ui object then calls Ui#validUserChoice() with UserChoice as the parameter. If UserChoice is invalid, Ui#validUserChoice() will call Ui#askForReInput().
  2. Creation of storage object

    Ingredient data:

    1. A Storage object will be created and calls Storage#getIngredientData() to load and parse the contents of ingredient save file into a newly created ingredientList ArrayList<Ingredient>.
    2. Storage#getIngredientData() will call Storage#loadingIngredient() to create Ingredient objects based on the category type of ingredients in the ingredientList.

    Recipe data:

    1. A Storage object will be created and calls Storage#getRecipeData() to load and parse the contents of recipe save file into a newly created recipeList ArrayList<Recipe>.
    2. Storage#getRecipeData() will create a Recipe object and recipeItems ArrayList<Ingredient>. It then calls Storage#loadingRecipeItems() to create Ingredient objects based on the category type of ingredients in each recipe into the recipeItems. Every ` recipeItems of each recipe will then be added into recipeList`.

    Chore data:

    1. A Storage object will be created and calls Storage#getChoreData() to load and parse the contents of chore save file into a newly created choreList ArrayList<Chore>.

    Expenditure data:

    1. Storage#loadExpenditureData() is called to load and parse the contents of expenditure save file and creates an instance of Expenditure.

All description and warnings to the user utilises the UI class, which controls the printing of the text on the console.

The sequence diagram below summarizes how loading data works: Load Data Sequence Diagram

Design considerations:

Aspects: How saving of files executes:

Pros Easier to implement when it comes to delete commands as there is no need to loop through the whole ArrayList to find and compare the object to delete and update files.
Cons Takes more time to load and save.
Pros Faster as there is no need to go through the whole ArrayList whenever we save since changes are appended individually.
Cons Difficult and slower to implement for commands that require deletion of objects.

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4.4.2. Save current state

The save current state feature allows the user to store the current state of the program data into the backup storage files. The contents of the backup storage files will be updated and replaced with the current state when save command is implemented by the user.


The following steps explain how save command works:

  1. The user enters save
  2. KitchenHelper calls Parser#parseUserCommand() which splits the user’s input into 2 parts and enters a switch case for execution.
  3. parseUserCommand in the Parser object will call a method SaveStateCommand.
  4. On execute(), Storage.copyFile() will be called four times to copy contents of ingredients, recipes, chores and expenditure save files into their respective backup storage files.
Design considerations:

Aspects: How saving of current state data executes:

Pros Easy to implement as less code is needed with Java 7 Files helper class.
Cons Relatively slow copy performance when file size increases.
Pros The FileChannels technique is usually faster than its alternatives such as basic streams.
Cons It may fail for very large files and more lines of codes are needed for implementation.

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4.5. Expenditure

4.5.1. Display Expenditure

The feature for displayexpenditure allows the user to keep track of their total expenditure and the amount they used in their cooking each week.


When the user attempts to display expenditure, the Kitchen Helper, Parser and DisplayExpenditureCommand class will be called upon. The following sequence of steps will then occur:

  1. The user keyed in displayexpenditure.
    1. A UI object will be created and calls UI#getUserCommand().
    2. Input will be parsed in Parser#parseUserCommand() and identified with the keyword displayexpenditure.
  2. Parsing of user input and creation of command object
    1. This will automatically trigger the parsing of the user’s input string in Parser#prepareDisplayExpenditure() to ensure the parameters are empty, or an exception will be thrown.
    2. The DisplayExpenditureCommand object will be created.
  3. Executing Command
    1. The newly created object will call DisplayExpenditureCommand#execute() which will format the expenditure information into how it will be displayed.
    2. Lastly, a String called feedbackToUser containing the information to display will be returned to KitchenHelper.
  4. The expenditure information will then be printed onto the console using Ui#showResultToUser(result).
Design considerations:
Pros More OOP. displayexpenditure is a supported user command so it should have its own class for its specific function just like other commands.
Cons Very abstract method and a lot of effort in order to print the value of two variables.
Pros Simpler and more basic implementation.
Cons Less OOP and will ruin the code style because its execution would be different from other commands.

4.5.2. Expenditure functionality

The Expenditure function mainly keeps track of two variables, totalExpenditure and amountUsedInCooking. Total expenditure is the amount spent on purchase of ingredients for the week. Amount used in cooking indicates the price of all the ingredients used for cooking or consumption in the week. The latter variable reflects the extent to which the user makes use of his purchase and hence the amount of expenditure he benefited from.


The values of the variables in Expenditure change in the the following situations:

Design considerations:

Aspect: Singleton pattern for Expenditure class.

Pros The Expenditure values are accumulated, so the exact same variables have to be used every time. Using only one instance of the Expenditure object allows that.
Cons 1. Increases dependencies as it has a global state. It can be overused and be hard to track.
2. Makes testing harder.
Pros Static variables can also update expenditure using the exact same variables.
Cons Take up memory as they cannot be created and destroyed during program execution.
Pros Also allows the retrieval of most updated value.
Cons A lot of storing and loading to and from text files, which increases overhead.

Aspect: Storage of Expenditure data in its own output file.

Pros Neater to have a specific output file solely for Expenditure data.
Cons Create an entire storage function and output file for three variables.
Pros Does not require additional storage implementation and save space not creating another file.
Cons Whenever save Expenditure data, the whole data file overwritten and need to loop through entire choreList to save Chore data with the new Expenditure data.

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4.6. Logging

Logging in the application refers to storing exceptions, warnings and messages that occur during the execution of Kitchen Helper. It was included to help developers to identify bugs and to simplify their debugging process.

The java.util.logging package in Java is used for logging. The logging mechanism can be managed from the KitchenHelper class through the kitchenLogs logger object.

All control of the logger for the application can be viewed/ altered in the setUpLogger() method. The current settings for the logger are as follow:

Logging Levels:

Additional logging can be done by adding the calling of the global logger and invoking the function log(). This will ensure that all loggings will be made to the same file across the various classes.

An example is shown below:

public static final Logger kitchenLogs = Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME);
kitchenLogs.log(Level.WARNING, description_of_warning_here, e.toString());

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Appendix A: Product Scope

Target user profile:

Value proposition: Manage food inventory quickly compared to a typical mouse or graphic user interface driven application which saves time and makes it more convenient.

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Appendix B: User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 housewife add my groceries to the inventory track my ingredients.
v1.0 user track the list of ingredients stock up before I cook a meal.
v1.0 user delete an ingredient so that i can remove the wrongly keyed item.
v1.0 user decrease the quantity of an item in the inventory see it reflects the current amount after consuming.
v1.0 user create new recipes keep a list of recipes in the application.
v1.0 user view the list of recipe view the ingredients that are needed for the recipe.
v1.0 user delete the recipe remove unwanted recipe.
v1.0 housewife add chore to the list remind myself of the tasks that needs to be completed.
v1.0 housewife be able to see the chore list check what is not completed.
v1.0 housewife remove the task delete a task that was keyed wrongly..
v1.0 user save all my ingredients keep track of them when the application reloads.
v1.0 user save all my recipes choose which recipe that i would like to cook when the application reloads.
v1.0 user save all my chores view the chores that need to be done.
v1.0 frequent user view all my past data get the latest update on my inventory when the application reloads
v1.0 new user view more information about the commands learn to use the various commands.
v2.0 user search for a specific ingredient view the details regarding the ingredient.
v2.0 user search the relevant recipe using a keyword view the different recipe that are similar.
v2.0 user search for a chore using a keyword view the status of the chore.
v2.0 user create unique recipe names differentiate between my recipes.
v2.0 user choose a recipe that contains sufficient ingredients keep track of my ingredients and cook this meal.
v2.0 user deduct the ingredients that i have from the recipe that i want to cook save time from deleting manually.
v2.0 housewife mark the task as done track the uncompleted task.
v2.0 user retrieve all of my past history that i have entered in the application view them again.
v2.0 user reset all my ingredients, chores, recipes restart the application.
v2.0 user deduct ingredients that expire first do not waste my ingredients.
v2.0 user be informed if I have sufficient ingredients to cook a specific recipe find other recipes to cook.
v2.0 user get the expenditure on the ingredients that I used to cook in the recipe keep track of my expenditure.
v2.0 user get the expenditure on the ingredients that I used to cook keep track of my expenditure.

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Appendix C: Value proposition - Use cases

(For all use cases below, the System is Kitchen Helper and the Actor is the user, unless otherwise stated)

Use case: UC01 - Add an ingredient
1. User purchases an ingredient.
2. User wants to add to System for tracking purposes.
3. System adds the ingredient.
Use case ends.

2a. System detects invalid format in the entered data.
  2a1. System throws invalid input format and shows a valid format example.
  Use case resumes at step 2.
2b. System detects zero quantity in the entered data.
  2b1. Systems alerts you to enter a quantity more than zero.
  Use case resumes at step 2.
2c. System detects a expired expiry date in the entered data.
  2c1. System alerts you that Expired ingredient detected in input. Please enter a non-expired expiry
  Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: UC02 - Search for ingredient
1. User wants to find ingredients.
2. User enters a keyword in the System.
3. System displays the ingredient related to the keyword.
3a. No matching ingredients related to the keyword.
  3a1. Systems show no matching ingredient message
Use case resumes at step 2.
Use case ends.

Use case: UC03 - Search for recipe
1. User wants to find similar recipes.
2. User enters a keyword in the System.
3. System displays the recipe's name related to the keyword.
Use case ends.
3a. No matching recipe related to the keyword.
  3a1. Systems show no matching recipe message
Use case resumes at step 2.
Use case ends.

Use case: UC04 - Search for chore
1. User wants to find chores.
2. User enters a keyword in the System.
3. System displays the chore related to the keyword.
Use case ends.
3a. No matching chore related to the keyword.
  3a1. Systems show no matching chore message
Use case resumes at step 2.
Use case ends.

Use case: UC05 - Delete an ingredient
1. User wants to delete a particular ingredient. 
2. User can either enter a keyword to search in Kitchen Helper or list all ingredients to find the 
   ingredient to delete.
3. User makes use of the index received in step 2 to delete the ingredient.
4. Kitchen Helper will display a successful message if deletion was successful. 
Use case ends. 
4a. No matching ingredient related to the index. 
  4a1. Kitchen Helper will show an error message stating that there is no such ingredient.
Use case resumes at step 3.
Use case ends. 

Use case: UC06 - Delete a recipe
1. User wants to delete a particular recipe. 
2. User can either enter a keyword to search in Kitchen Helper or list all recipes
   to find the recipe to delete.
3. User makes use of the index or name received in step 2 to delete the recipe.
4. Kitchen Helper will display a successful message if deletion was successful. 
Use case ends. 
4a. No matching ingredient related to the index or name. 
  4a1. Kitchen Helper will show an error message stating that there is no such recipe.
Use case resumes at step 3.
Use case ends. 

Use case: UC07 - Cook a recipe
1. User wants to cook a recipe for a number of pax.
2. User can search for the recipe that it wants to cook.
3. User use the name obtained in step 2 to cook the recipe. 
4. Kitchen Helper will display a successful message if it was able to cook the recipe. 
Use case ends. 
4a. There are insufficient/missing ingredients in the ingredients' inventory.
    4a1. Kitchen Helper will show an error message stating that there were insufficient/missing
         ingredients to cook the recipe. 
4b. There are insufficient ingredients due to some expired ingredients in the ingredients' invenory. 
    4b1. Kitchen Helper will show an error message and a list of expired ingredients.
Use case resumes at step 3.
Use case ends.

Use case: UC08 - List Ingredients
1. User wants to see the whole ingredient list.
2. User use the category 'all' to display whole ingredient list.
3. System displays all ingredients regardless of category.
Use case ends.

2a. System detects invalid format in the entered data.
  2a1. System throws invalid input format and shows a valid format example.
  Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: UC09 - List Ingredients from Meat category
1. User wants to see the whole ingredient list.
2. User use the category 'meat' to display whole ingredient list.
3. System displays ingredients under the category, `meat`.
Use case ends.

2a. System detects invalid format in the entered data.
  2a1. System throws invalid input format and shows a valid format example.
2b. System detects invalid category in the entered data.
  2b1. System throws invalid category name and shows the valid category names.
  Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: UC10 - List Recipe name
1. User wants to see the whole list of Recipe name.
2. User use the category 'all' to display whole recipe name list.
3. System displays all recipe name.
Use case ends.

2a. System detects invalid format in the entered data.
  2a1. System throws invalid input format and shows a valid format example.
  Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: UC11 - List of Ingredients in Recipe
1. User wants to see the ingredient list inside a Recipe.
2. User use the recipe number '1' to display the ingredient list needed to cook the recipe.
3. System displays all ingredients under the recipe.
Use case ends.

2a. System detects invalid format in the entered data.
  2a1. System throws invalid input format and shows a valid format example.

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Appendix D: Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. An user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
  3. Should not require user to install program file.
  4. Should work for single user.
  5. Should be able to run without internet connection.

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Appendix E: Glossary

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Appendix F: Instructions for Manual Testing

F.1. Launch and Shutdown

  1. Initial launch
    1. Download the jar file, renamed it to kitchenhelper and copy into an empty folder.
    2. Open up command prompt or terminal.
    3. Change directory to where the jar file is located.
    4. Run the command java -jar kitchenhelper.jar
      Expected: Shows a message to load data from normal mode or restore mode.

F.2. Add an ingredient

  1. Add an ingredient into Kitchen Helper.
    1. Prerequisites: List all the ingredient using the listingredient all command.
    2. Test case: addingredient /n beef /c meat /q 3 /p 20 /e 03/03/2022
      Expected: Entry can be seen using listingredient all command.
    3. Test case: addingredient /n chicken /c meat /q 3 /p 3 /e 03/03/2020
      Expected: Expired ingredient detected in input.
      Please enter a non-expired expiry date.
    4. Test case: addingredient /n milo /c drink /q 0 /p 1 /e 03/03/2022
      Expected: Please enter a quantity more than 0.

F.3. List ingredient

  1. List Ingredient
    1. Prerequisites: Add ingredient using the addingredient /n beef /c meat /q 3 /p 20.20 /e 03/03/2022 command.
    2. Test case: listingredient all
      Expected: Entry can be seen using listingredient all command and all other categories.
    3. Test case: listingredient meat
      Expected: Entry can be seen using listingredient all command and only meat category is shown.
    4. Test case: listingredient 1
      Expected: Invalid Command, please check your format!
    5. Test case: listingredient airplane
      Expected: Invalid Command, please check your format!

F.4. Delete an ingredient

  1. Delete an ingredient from Kitchen Helper.
    1. Prerequisites: List all the recipes using the listingredient all command.
    2. Test case (if ingredient index exists): deleteingredient /i 1
      Expected: The ingredient will be deleted. It can be noticed by using the listingredient all command.
    3. Test case (if ingredient index does not exists): deleteingredient /i -1
      Expected: No ingredients are deleted. It can be noticed by using the listingredient all command.
    4. Test case (if there is sufficient quantity to be reduced from the ingredient): deleteingredient /i 1 /q 2
      Expected: The quantity of the ingredient will change as seen by using listingredient all command.
    5. Test case (if there are insufficient quantity to be reduced from the ingredient): deleteingredient /i 1 /q 10
      Expected: The quantity of the ingredient will not changed as seen by using listingredient all command.
    6. Test case (if the quantity of the ingredient is reduced to zero after deduction): deleteingredient /i 1 /q 1
      Expected: The ingredient will be deleted as its final quantity is zero. This can be noticed by using listingredient all command.

F.5. Search for ingredient

  1. Search for ingredients in Kitchen Helper.
    1. Prerequisites: The ingredient list should not be empty. You should at least add the following ingredient by using addingredient /n beef /c meat /q 3 /p 20 /e 03/03/2022 before the search.
    2. Test case: searchingredient beef
      Expected: Ingredient entries that have the keyword matching beef names are listed.
    3. Test case: searchingredient meat
      Expected: Ingredient entries that have the keyword matching meat category are listed.
    4. Test case: searchingredient 03/03/2022
      Expected: Ingredient entries that have the keyword matching 03/03/2022 date are listed.
    5. Test case: searchingredient $20
      Expected: Ingredient entries that have the keyword matching $20 price are listed.

F.6. Add a recipe

  1. Add a recipe into Kitchen Helper
    1. Prerequisites: List all the recipes using the listrecipe all command.
    2. Test case: addrecipe /n warm milk /i HL Milk:1:Dairy
      Expected: Entry can be found using listrecipe all command.

F.7. List recipe

  1. List Recipe
    1. Prerequisites: Add ingredient using the addrecipe /n warm milk /i HL Milk:1:Dairy command.
    2. Test case: listrecipe all
      Expected: Entry can be seen using listrecipe all command, shows all recipe’s name added.
    3. Test case: listrecipe 1
      Expected: Entry can be seen using listrecipe 1 command and shows all ingredients registered in the recipe.
    4. Test case: listrecipe 2
      Expected: The Recipe List is currently empty.
    5. Test case: listrecipe notsure
      Expected: Invalid Command, please check your format!

F.8. Cook a recipe

  1. Cooks the specified recipe and ingredients in the recipe will be automatically deducted.
    1. Prerequisites: List all the recipes using the listrecipe all command.
    2. Test case (sufficient ingredient): cookrecipe /n warm milk /p 2
      Expected: A reduction of the ingredients’ quantity multiplied by 2 can be noticed when listing the ingredients with listingredient all
    3. Test case (Sufficient even with expired ingredients): cookrecipe /n warm milk /p 2
      Expected: The automatic deduction will not be carried out and expired item will be notified to user.
    4. Test case: (Insufficient even with expired ingredients): cookrecipe /n warm milk /p 2
      Expected: The automatic deduction will not be carried out.

F.9. Delete a recipe

  1. Delete a recipe from Kitchen Helper.
    1. Prerequisites: List all the recipes using the listrecipe all command.
    2. Test case (if recipe index or name exists): deleterecipe /i 1 OR deleterecipe /i warm milk
      Expected: The recipe will be deleted. It can be noticed by using the listrecipe all command.
    3. Test case (if recipe index or name does not exists): deleterecipe /i -1 OR deleterecipe /n Beef Stew
      Expected: No recipes are deleted. It can be noticed by using the listrecipe all command.

F.10. Search for recipe

  1. Search for similar recipe in Kitchen Helper.
    1. Prerequisites: The recipe list should not be empty. You should at least add the following recipe by using addrecipe /n Chicken Salad /i Chicken Breast:2:meat, Lettuce:4:vegetable before the search.
    2. Test case: searchrecipe chicken
      Expected: Recipe’s name entries that have the keyword matching `chicken’ are listed.

F.11. Add a chore

  1. Adds a chore into Kitchen Helper.
    1. Test case (String deadline): addchore buy groceries /by Monday 12pm
      Expected: The chore is added. Entry can be found using listchore command.
    2. Test case (Date deadline): addchore buy groceries /by 13/04/2020 12:00
      Expected: The chore is added. Entry can be found using listchore command.
    3. Test case (Incorrect date format): addchore buy groceries /by 13-04-2020
      Expected: Deadline will be a String object type. The chore is added. Entry can be found using listchore command.
    4. Test case (Invalid format): addchore buy groceries
      Expected: The chore is not added. Entry cannot be found using listchore command.

F.12. List a chore

  1. List the chores.
    1. Test case (Empty list): listchore
      Expected: “Your list of chores is currently empty.”
    2. Test case (Non-empty list): listchore
      Expected: All the chore entries displayed.
    3. Test case (Invalid format): listchore aa
      Expected: “Invalid ListChore command.” No chore entries displayed.

F.13. Delete a chore

  1. Delete a chore from Kitchen Helper.
    1. Prerequisites: List all the chores using listchore command.
    2. Test case (Index in list): deletechore 1
      The chore is deleted. It can be noticed by using the listchore command.
    3. Test case (Index not in list or incorrect format): deletechore 10 OR deletechore -1 OR deletechore buy groceries
      Expected: The chore is not deleted. It can be noticed by using the listchore command.

F.14. Search for chore

  1. Search for chores in Kitchen Helper.
    1. Prerequisites: The chore list should not be empty. You should at least add the following chore by using addchore buy groceries /by Tuesday 12pm before the search.
    2. Test case: searchchore groceries
      Expected: Chore entries that have the keyword matching groceries description are listed.
    3. Test case: searchchore Tuesday
      Expected: Chore entries that have the keyword matching Tuesday as a string are listed.

F.15. Mark a chore as done

  1. Change the completion status of a chore to done.
    1. Prerequisites: List all the chores using listchore command.
    2. Test case (Index in list): done 1
      Expected: The chore is marked as done. The completion status icon becomes a tick.
    3. Test case (Mark an already complete chore): done 1
      Expected: “This chore has already been marked as done.”
    4. Test case (Index not in list or incorrect format): done 10 OR done -1 OR done buy groceries
      Expected: The chore is not marked as done. It can be noticed by using the listchore command where the completion status icon of the chore remains a cross.

F.16. Saving data

  1. Load ingredient data into Kitchen Helper.
    1. Prerequisites: The ingredient list save file should not be empty.
    2. Expected: Previously stored ingredient data can be seen using listingredient all command.
  2. Load recipe data into Kitchen Helper.
    1. Prerequisites: The recipe list save file should not be empty.
    2. Expected: Previously stored recipe data can be seen using listrecipe all command.
  3. Load chore data into Kitchen Helper.
    1. Prerequisites: The chore list save file should not be empty.
    2. Expected: Previously stored chore data can be seen using listchore command.
  4. Load expenditure data into Kitchen Helper.
    1. Prerequisites: The expenditure save file should not be empty.
    2. Expected: Previously stored expenditure data of the week can be seen using displayexpenditure command.

If any of the save files are empty, the user can choose to populate the files with their own user commands or alternatively, use any of the test cases below:

  1. addrecipe /n Chicken Salad /i Chicken Breast:2:meat, Lettuce:4:vegetable
  2. addingredient /n Chicken Breast /c meat /q 3 /p 20 /e 18/12/2020
  3. addingredient /n kailan /c Vegetable /q 30 /p 30.45 /e 12/12/2020
  4. addingredient /n HL Milk /c Dairy /q 3 /p 12.2 /e 14/12/2020
  5. addchore buy groceries /by Tuesday 12pm

Note that expenditure changes when addingredient, deleteingredient, or cookrecipe commands are used.

F.17. Display expenditure

  1. Displays user expenditure.
    1. Prerequisite 1: Add an ingredient using addingredient command.
    2. Test case 1: displayexpenditure
      Expected: The value of total expenditure increases by the cost of ingredient multiplied by its quantity.
    3. Prerequisite 2: Cook a recipe using cookrecipe command.
    4. Test case 2: displayexpenditure
      Expected: The value of amount used in cooking increases by the cost of all the ingredients used in cooking.
    5. Prerequisite 3: Delete an ingredient using deleteingredient command and respond with yes when prompted to remove cost of ingredient from total expenditure .
    6. Test case 3: displayexpenditure
      Expected: The value of total expenditure decreases by the cost of ingredient multiplied by the quantity deleted.
    7. Prerequisite 4: Delete an ingredient using deleteingredient command and respond with no when prompted to remove cost of ingredient from total expenditure and respond with yes when prompted to add cost of ingredient to amount used in cooking.
    8. Test case 4: displayexpenditure
      Expected: The value of amount used in cooking increases by the cost of ingredient multiplied by the quantity deleted.

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